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Porch Rocker Art 14 May 2017

Happy Mother's Day!!

What a surprise to wake up this AM and learn my "Baby" has gone live! Greg Snyder and Shannon Rice have worked tirelessly with me to make this happen. Thank you BOTH from the Bottom of my Heart!

I hope to use this Website as a vehicle to showcase my art, my cards, my creativity. It still has a few kinks which we will iron out oven the next few weeks, so please bear with me. AND Please feel free to send me comments and corrections as you see them. Any suggestions for items you might like to see here are also welcome!

This has been a dream for many many years. I have always hoped to share my work on my own website and send it into the world. I started my Etsy Website a few years ago, but somehow, I could not get it finished. Perhaps fear, perhaps time, perhaps it just wasn't the 'right' time. However, over the past few months everything has come together. I am excited and hope you like my cards. I plan to create a new card series at least yearly and broaden my website to include prints from my travel journals, as well as my latest 3D art. I also do 'event painting'. I only recently learned of this term! Who knew I was an event painter! :) Anyway, I have painted a number of weddings live incorporating the love and the energy that is there. It has been fun and I hope to expand that as well.

This picture is of my porch. I sit there often and paint. I love my yard and the ponds and the frogs and the beautiful rich green colors. It all inspires me!! ! In fact I worte a Haiku poem out there! You will find my Froggie Haiku in my next series to be published soon, "BEE-ing." This is an exciting time for me. I hope you enjoy my cards.

Thank you for stopping by!

Happy Mother's Day!!

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